Tag Archives: storytelling

Thinking About Thinking #8 – Do forgotten stories affect you more?

My Voice Will Go with You illustrates vividly the power of a story to transform thinking and behavior – immediately. The accompanying commentary by author Sidney Rosen tells why each story is effective in changing behavior.

Psychiatrist Milton Erickson is regarded as the father of neurolinguistic programming, or NLP. This book is a collection of very short stories he told clients who were in a trance state as a means of reprogramming their thinking about a problem they brought to him. Erickson believed that stories heard and then forgotten have the most power over future actions. That’s because, once the conscious, censoring mind has ceased analyzing the experience, the persistent memory of the story can percolate in the unconscious.


My Voice Will Go with You. I sincerely hope it does!

In Clifford’s Spiral a stroke survivor tries to piece together the fragments of his memories. Was he the victim or the perpetrator? 2020 IPA Distinguished Favorite in Literary Fiction.