Tag Archives: intrigue

Harambee Means “We Are One”

“Harambee” is the motto of post-Independence Kenya. The country was ceded from the British Empire in 1963 after a period of social unrest, which included the Mau-Mau Rebellion. A leader in that uprising was Jomo Kenyatta, who became the new nation’s founding president. His son Uhuru is the outgoing incumbent president, defeated by William Ruto in the election, just concluded last August.

Harambee – We Are One. E Pluribus Unum – One from Many.

May it be ever so!

He went as a passive observer. He stayed when they showed him how to live.

When I read some more of the Ong’wen book, I discovered a delicious (if troubling) irony. In the early years of Independence, harambee came to mean voluntary labor or donations for grass-roots projects. Then it became dues for electing local politicians. Now it’s a synonym for all manner of mandatory political bribes, extending to the highest levels.

Yes, that’s a side of Harry, too.


I Found My Inner Child in My Third Eye!

This little guy’s name was Jerry and, as I recall, he was joyful a lot of the time. There were stresses in his young life, but they’d evaporate on encountering the next delight.

He was curious. He was studious. He was a chatterbox. He was a showoff.

He had a loud voice that became louder when he was excited. As he grew older his teachers rebuked him because that voice could be heard above all others in class.

So as the tween became a teen, his voice softened – so much so that at times adults had to prompt him to speak up.

It was years later he found his voice.

Watch for the audiobook release of Harry Harambee’s Kenyan Sundowner in January.

Douglas Coleman Interviews Gerald on Trends in Publishing

Douglas Coleman hosts Gerald in a full and frank exchange of views – thinking about thinking about books!

In this new 15-minute episode of The Douglas Coleman Show VE (here on YouTube), Douglas and Gerald speculate about trends and recent changes in the publishing industry, along with how readers might want authors to approach their work to set it apart from 8 million other Kindle titles.

Gerald also tells how taking up residence in East Africa for two years motivated him to write his new award-winning novel Harry Harambee’s Kenyan Sundowner.

 NABE 2021 Best (and only) in Literary Fiction

Preorder for June 29, 2021 release.