Category Archives: Harry Harambee

Book Review – An Unlikely Truth by John Rachel

Here’s my book review of An Unlikely Truth, a novel by John Rachel.

(Not to be confused with An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore or A Delicate Truth by John Le Carré.)

Democracy at both the local and national levels recently has been under savage assault. In this fictional story, protagonist Martin Truth’s fight was one of many such struggles to restore the meaning of representative government to a system that had been corrupted by big money and corporate power.

In this political drama, a bright, young, idealistic Green Party candidate, in his bid for the congressional seat of a conservative district in Ohio, teams with a beautiful, fiery, African-American intern to combat the slick deceptions and ruthless tactics of a sweet-talking right-wing incumbent.

This is the inspiring story of a small committed group of activists who either never knew or have forgotten the meaning of the word impossible. More importantly, it embodies hope that not all is lost, that there’s a narrative which can begin to put America back on track and render government again of the people by the people and for the people

An Unlikely Truth was published in 2014, just as the early presidential primaries got underway and well before the sensational and controversial election of 2016. Both before and after the election, there was a resurgence of grassroots political action on both the left and the right. If you’re among the people who fear that the politics of hope, are a thing of the past, you will probably regard this book as dated. If instead you describe yourself as an activist john Rachel’s vision of America may look like a glimpse of the future.

Update note: In today’s “post-truth” era, and considering all that has transpired in American politics since 2016, the question remains: Are the “politics of hope” so… yesterday?

Harry Harambee'd Kenyan Sundowner: A Novel

Harry never planned to reinvent his life at this age. He went from tourist and passive observer to reluctantly committed resident. Here is conspiracy and intrigue on the white sands of the Indian Ocean.


Thinking About Thinking #41 – Unlikely, Unbelievable, and Astonishing!

Did you ever reflect on how unlikely it is that the apparent size of the Moon and the Sun are so nearly the same? From the standpoint of astrophysics, there is no reason why this coincidence should exist. There’s nothing about the size of the moon or gravitational balance between the Earth and the other two bodies that would cause the virtual sizes in the sky to match up so remarkably.

And then consider that the full solar eclipse is possibly the most significant recurring event in human cultures throughout history. Awe-inspiring. Significant, for all kinds of invented explanations.

Whether you credit creationism, intelligent design, extraterrestrial engineers, or extraordinarily unlikely random events, all you need to do is look up to get the message:

This is a very special place!

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Gerald Learns About Living Vertikal

On this podcast episode of A Taste of Ink Live, I learn host C. Stene Duckworth‘s vision for Living Vertikal and her initiative Vertikal Alliance International ( It’s more than just breathing in and out and putting one foot in front of the other! We talk about the challenges of making the transition from tourist to resident in East Africa, a key theme of my novel Harry Harambee’s Kenyan Sundowner. We compare and contrast politics and ethnic strife in the U.S., South Africa, and Kenya.

It’s an hour of spirited conversation. Click here to listen!

Thinking About Thinking #40 – I Do and I Don’t – Marriage themes in the movies

Here’s my book review of I Do and I Don’t: A History of Marriage in the Movies by Jeanine Basinger.

Basinger is professor of film studies at Wesleyan University, my alma mater, and during her tenure there, she’s been mentor to many of the Hollywood filmmakers who are today referred to as the Wesleyan Mafia. She is one of the most influential of our present-day film historians.

I Do and I Don’t is a critical survey of studio pictures from the silent era up through recent times. Movies in America were formally censored during the ’Thirties and ’Forties, the main reason that even into the ’Fifties, all screen married couples slept in twin beds. The rich ones had separate bedrooms, perhaps for other reasons. But Basinger emphasizes that Hollywood’s view on marriage evolved over the decades for primarily commercial reasons – to appeal to the people – most of them women – who bought tickets.

First off, if you’re considering writing a screenplay about your happy marriage, forget it. Even before the talkies, moviemakers understood that happy couples are just plain boring. Conflict is drama, as Aristotle once said. And the most hilarious romantic comedies are the same, with the volume turned way up.

Basinger tells us that marriage movies are rooted in problems, including money, infidelity, children, illness, death, and forced separation.

In every era, the studios were skilled at giving the audience what it wanted but might not admit – namely stories about their secret fears and suppressed desires. In the movies, any misbehavior, any sin, any abusive behavior can be indulged in, as long as the responsible party is punished before the lights come back up. That way, the audience can leave the theater feeling both satisfied and self-righteous.

Take for example George Cukor’s Adam’s Rib, in which Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy are trial lawyers married to each other and squared off as opposing counsel on the same case. In the famous massage scene, Tracy gives Hepburn a playful slap. She takes it the wrong way, and the scene ends as she gives him a swift kick in the ankle. If that movie were made today, you know her aim would be higher.

Thinking About Thinking #39 – Submission – The second French Revolution?

Here’s my book review of Submission by French novelist Michel Houellebecq.

Submission is a cautionary near-futurist tale about the quiet takeover of the French government by a new political faction led by the Muslim Brotherhood. The book is both fact-based and speculative. Following in the genre of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, George Orwell’s 1984, and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, the year is 2022. The book’s narrator Francois is a middle-aged professor of literature at the Sorbonne in Paris. In his personal life, he’s lost interest in most people and things, and he is a member of his community. He is both politically apathetic and spiritually atheist. He represents the bored, educated class, which lacks nothing in material comforts and feels detached from any form of social participation.

The Islamist takeover occurs when the routine electoral process goes haywire. In the parliamentary system of France, as in many other democracies, multiple political parties are both sizeable and factional. As a result, it is rare for any single party to garner more than half the popular vote. So after the election, the candidate with the most votes must negotiate with the leaders of the opposing parties to build a consensus – a working majority in a process called forming a government.

And that’s what happens here, except that the Muslim Brotherhood now has about 20% of the electorate, a share comparable to the predominant right-wing party and to the Leftist progressives. The progressives want nothing to do with the other two. And so they link up and in a parallel that will not be lost on anyone in Europe or the United States.

It turns out that, other than religion, the Islamists and the Rightists have a lot in common. They both want to return to patriarchy, reassertion of family values with the wife’s role primarily as homemaker, and mistrust if not hatred of nonbelievers. And that’s just what France gets in their new leader, Mohammed bin Abbas, whom the narrator describes as looking like a kindly fat grocer. But bin Abbas is not only an Islamist. He’s also a crafty politician, a capable and pragmatic diplomat, and an ambitious dictator with an ego the size of Napoleon’s.

His backers. It turns out, include the Saudis, who proceed to buy up even more of European state assets, including the Sorbonne itself. Professors must now convert to Islam, as historically they had to profess Catholicism. If they do, their salaries are tripled, and matchmakers are appointed to find them multiple teenage wives, recruited from the student body. Women are forbidden to hold jobs in the state. This attracts them back into the home by paying generous stipends based on the number of children. Unemployment plummets as more men return to the workforce. Crime also drops and the economy improves.

That should be enough to get your least curious and unlikely story.

Perhaps not (if you think it can’t happen here – and not necessarily precipitated by Muslims).

Follow Kenyan current events in the run-up to the general elections in August of 2022. Names changed to protect the guilty!

Thinking About Thinking #38 – The Gravity Well – A trap or a dwelling place?

Here’s my book review of The Gravity Well: America’s Next Greatest Mission by Steven Sanford.

Steven Sanford was trained as a research engineer and spent almost three decades as a NASA employee when he left the agency recently to work for a contract engineering firm. He was Director for Space Technology and Exploration at NASA’s Langley Research Center. The gravity well refers to the huge physical effort required to overcome the Earth’s pole and climb into space. It is the first and most significant challenge of space travel. Having attained escape velocity from our planet and venturing far enough up and out, a space vehicle will have the option to park in one of several fixed locations called Lagrangian points. At these distances, gravitational forces are balanced, such that location can be maintained indefinitely, with no further expenditure of energy.

This is the logical place to build space stations. The Gravity Well, the book, is in effect Sanford’s heartfelt, elaborately reasoned letter to US taxpayers and members of Congress. The single most beneficial thing we can do to stimulate the economy and reset national priorities would be to augment the relatively modest NASA budget by a third.

The current authorization is about $19 billion. Sanford argues persuasively for $30 billion.

He doesn’t even propose we take the hit all at once. His proposal is for Congress to increase that budget by $1.2 billion per year for 8 years. His proposal is precise, achievable, and modest. Its diminutive fiscal size becomes apparent when you compare it with the voracious requirements of the Department of Defense, which exceeds a half-trillion dollars per year. And that’s not counting the supplemental allocations for various wars.

Sanford’s argument is also straightforward: No single expenditure by the federal government holds the prospect of producing such generous returns.

For example, he points out, “A single asteroid, no wider than your living room, can contain $10 billion worth of gold, along with platinum, tungsten, and the rare-earth metals we desperately need here where supplies are running low.”

And you don’t even have to conquer a third-world nation or fight a war with some other superpower to grab this stuff. (That’s my inference, not his explicit point.) Your tightfisted representative might well ask, “Why can’t private industry do this?” Well, it can and it will. But the history of all major technological advances is marked by government taking the early steps reducing risk and forging a path of entry for private investment. Computers, micro electronics, the Internet, and the telecom backbone all have their origins in broadly funded government initiatives bold. Brash and ambitious as are Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk, none would have dared invest in advanced rocketry if the basic engineering were not already mature.

Sanford cites a little-known example that aviation itself might have taken much longer to evolve – if at the end of World War I the US Postal Service hadn’t gambled the then-colossal sum of $5 million to fund transcontinental airmail service.

Let’s start by making every member of Congress aware of the gravity Well. Let’s also make it required reading in high school – and our manifesto for a grassroots political movement. Let’s inspire America to a new vision of world leadership that emphasizes international cooperation for mutual benefit. And dare we hope for not just survival but a grander destiny.

However, I’m not predicting immediate success. I hope I’m wrong. But Sanford’s proposal seemed to well reasoned and too eminently logical to have any effect on public policy in the near term. If national pride drove the swelling of the defense establishment. reallocating money to space would be easy. But it’s widespread fear that motivates the building of redundant piles of weaponry. Congress today is full of unscrupulous, self-interested politicians who, despite their patrician educations, find that sneering at science and leveraging the public’s fears get them votes.

Can we seriously believe that an Ivy-League trained-lawyer has so little understanding of science as to scoff at evolution, climatology, and the obvious need for population control? For Sanford’s plan to work, the likes of Neil deGrasse Tyson and Laura Sinclair (that’s the January 2017 Woman Physicist of the Month) need to run for office.

And sooner rather than later, we need a better educated electorate that respects learning more than celebrity.

Intrigue on the white sands of the Indian Ocean. Maybe the next best thing to being there?

Thinking About Thinking #36 – 13 Reasons Why

Here’s my book review of Thirteen Reasons Why, a novel by Jay Asher.

Thirteen Reasons Why is the fictional story behind a teenage suicide. It has two first-person narrators – Hannah Baker, the girl who decided to end her own life, and Clay Jensen, who presumably was one of the thirteen 13 motivations for her tragic choice. Clay comes into possession of a box of audiocassette tapes – an outdated format in this age of mp3 – but it’s relatively secure because the analog recordings can’t be copied as easily and shared at a click with your thousand closest friends on Facebook.

Hannah dictated the tapes to tell the story behind her decision to end her life in an odd – and you could well say pointless – act of revenge. She has devised a routing plan so that each of the people who wronged her will be forced to listen. And she has included a scheme to betray their guilty secrets if any one of them goes public with the information – or doesn’t keep this audio chain-letter moving from one perpetrator to the last – at which point the tapes must be destroyed.

Hannah’s story unfolds to us (the readers), as Clay plays the tapes in sequence for himself. All along he’s wondering about – and dreading – what role he had in, and what responsibility he might hold for, her death.

What’s striking to me as a mature adult – mature, at least in years – is how mundane and relatively innocuous these slights seem. I don’t think there’s much here that would cause an adult to take the high jump to oblivion. There’s bullying of various kinds, sexual and emotional abuse by young men, along with snubs and betrayals by her female peers. Hannah seems to fear she’s an ugly duckling. But she’s hardly thinking that the boys seem drawn to her by her sheer attractiveness. She doesn’t provoke their advances, and for the most part, she doesn’t give into them.

There is an incident of date rape, but Hannah is not its victim. She’s a witness, and she blames herself for its happening. But it’s not necessarily one of the reasons she decides to end it all. I’m not sure why she does. In the world of adults, traumas like divorce, job loss, financial insolvency terminal illness, and death can trigger severe emotional breakdowns. But there’s none of that in Hannah’s background. In general, cruel gossip can be a destroyer of egos, but not the basic will to live.

I’ve heard it said that deep despair is the result – not of losing happiness – but losing the hope of ever having any happiness. And I suppose that’s what destroys Hannah.

I won’t insert the spoiler here of how Clay was or wasn’t involved. But I wonder about novelist Jay Asher. This was his first fiction book, and some would say he hit the ball out of the park. The book and the audio book have been bestsellers. It’s won all kinds of awards, and it’s been made into a cable series on Netflix. So he knows how to tell a story, one that engages the angst of tweens and teens. I’m no mental health expert, but I don’t think Jay Asher’s understanding of clinical depression or suicide is particularly deep. He said in interviews that he had a close relative who considered suicide but survived. If any of his young readers think Hannah’s are compelling reasons to just give up, I think that’s more than a shame.

Intrigue on the white sands of the Indian Ocean. A great “beach read” even if you won’t actually be camped out on the shore.

Thinking About Thinking #35 – A Nasty Piece of Work – Should old spies just stay home?

Here’s my book review of A Nasty Piece of Work: A Novel, a crime thriller by Robert Littell.

Littell has written sophisticated spy novels, including The Amateur. It would be glib to say A Nasty Piece of Work literally lives up to its title. It is a workmanlike, formula-gumshoe detective novel. The protagonist Lemuel Gunn is a worn-out, burned-out, world-weary intelligence operative. He’s retired to the desert. He gets dragged into a case and a buddied-up search by a beautiful young dame, Omelia Neppi.

The bad guys are unscrupulous and vicious, with mob ties embedded in the gambling racket. In the formula detective novel, the beautiful girl is trouble. In this case, our Omelia comes on like an ally, acting as an assistant investigator who knows where to find the crumb trail. Gunn eventually learns that she’s embroiled him in her plot to seek revenge on the perps.

The ending dishes out great gobs of graphic violence – justified Charles-Bronson style – because the guy by now has permission to give back as good as he and his client have gotten.

If you like pulp fiction – and a new idea that has withstood the test of time – go for it. Granted, authors of spy thrillers have had to rethink their missions since the Cold War, but this one in my opinion was a wrong turn for Mr. Littell.

What will you be inspired to do? Venturing to East Africa, Harry goes from being a passive observer as a tourist to an involved and committed resident. Two book awards (so far!) in 2021.

The Sociopolitical Climate of Kenya: My Interview with Rose Colombo

Thinking About Thinking – On My Experiences Living in Kenya

I discuss wide-ranging issues about corruption, love, and loyalty with Rose Colombo, host of the Blogtalk Radio show “Colombo Chronicles.” And I explain how these themes are woven through my novel Harry Harambee’s Kenyan Sundowner.

What parallels to current events in the U.S. can we see in Kenya’s recent political history? What’s happening there now that deserves close attention? For one thing, the country is trying to rewrite its constitution at the same time candidates are declaring for the next general election in August of 2022.

What cultural issues in Kenya might be surprising to American or European tourists?

How do “unintended consequences” of aid programs and charities often cause results in-country to go awry?

Listen Now

As he transforms from passive tourist to resident, Harry must decide how much he’s willing to commit. He wonders whether he’s being played. Then he wonders, ‘Do I mind?’

Thinking About Thinking #34 – Cutting for Stone – Would you trust your barber to cut you open?

I have to start by clearing up the confusion I had with Abraham Verghese’s title, Cutting for Stone. As the book mentions several times but never precisely explains, the reference is to the Hippocratic Oath, “I will not cut for stone.” However I had to look it up in Wikipedia to find the meaning, which is probably apparent to medical professionals. It was a prohibition from operating on stones, or calcified deposits, in the kidney or bladder. The ancient Greeks apparently thought surgeons should leave this menial procedure to barbers. The modern meaning seems to be that doctors should recognize they can’t specialize in all areas. But I’d say closer to the original intent, and perhaps more relevant to today’s medicine, would be: “I won’t perform treatments just for the sake of making money.”

Okay, I got that off my chest!

The title has at least a double meaning. The story flows from the unlikely and surprising conception of a pair of twins by an English surgeon, Thomas Stone, and an Indian-born nun, Sister Mary Praise, in Ethiopia in the mid-twentieth century. The story is narrated by one of the twins, Marion, who eventually becomes a surgeon himself.

Verghese is likewise a practicing surgeon, now living in the U.S., who grew up in Ethiopia. His account seems autobiographical, but much of it is invented, as he explains in detail in his Acknowledgments.

If I say too much about this book, I’ll have to throw in a lot of spoilers, and suspense has its delicious rewards in this leisurely paced plot. So I won’t. Suffice it to say, I believe your patience with Verghese will be rewarded.

I heard him speak at a book signing at an Ethiopian restaurant in Los Angeles, and he mentioned that he admired W. Somerset Maugham. This book does remind me of Cakes and Ale, in more ways than one, including the crafting of its sentences. (Maugham also studied medicine.) It’s not the page-turning, plain-vanilla, cliffhanger prose of Tom Clancy or Dan Brown. It’s thoughtful, colorful, and literary. Slow down and enjoy it.

This novel is about family, community, betrayal, parental love and estrangement, sibling bonding and rivalry, personal bravery, not-so-uncommon acts of kindness, the heroic practice of medicine, suffering and compassion–and irony.

Lots of irony.

Cutting for Stone is selling well, so lots of other people must think it’s worthwhile. The story doesn’t read like a movie plot, but neither does The English Patient. Yes, this book is that big–in its scope and its ambitions, and in the magnitude of its achievement.

Intrigue on the white sands of the Indian Ocean. Two book awards this year in literary fiction.